

Becoming a Fully Devoted Follower of JesuS

Thank you for taking the time to consider becoming a member of Live Oak Church. We believe this step is important because being connected and committed to a local church is the best way to learn how to follow Jesus and his way of life. We have intentionally made the membership process simple and straightforward. Our goal is to provide you with a clear pathway to help you grow in your faith and participate in Live Oak Church.

Basic Beliefs

  • We believe the entire Bible is the Word of God written down by men under the divine guidance of the Holy Spirit. Because it’s God’s Word, the Bible is true and without error. The Bible points to Jesus Christ alone for Salvation and provides everything we need to know for living the Christian life. Our response is to humbly submit to God by using His Word as the standard for making all of life’s decisions.

  • We believe there is one God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. All three persons are equal in divinity and authority, but have distinct roles in the way they relate to one another and to creation. Our response isn’t to try to completely understand God, but to worship Him as He is revealed to us in the Bible and to allow the mystery of God to increase our humility and respect for Him.

  • We believe God created man and woman in His image to have fellowship with Him and to live a life of worship to Him. Because of one man’s sin all people are born with a sinful nature. As a result, people are separated from God, unable to please him and condemned to death. Our response is to live with a deep awareness that above all else, humanity needs a Savior.

  • We believe Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man. He was supernaturally conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He lived a perfect life, died as a sacrifice for sin and was raised to life. He ascended into Heaven and will return again. Our response is to point everyone to Jesus Christ alone as God and savior.

  • We believe salvation is a gift from God and cannot be earned by anyone. People are saved when they place their faith in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ alone. At the moment of salvation people are forgiven of sin, brought back into a relationship with God and sealed with the Holy Spirit. Our response is to worship Jesus with gratitude and to proclaim the Good News of salvation and new life in the kingdom of God to all people.

  • We believe to be a Christian is to follow Jesus Christ with your whole life by seeking Him daily through spiritual disciplines and walking in responsive obedience to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit lives inside, transforms, teaches, guides, equips and empowers all believers to live the Christian life. As people follow Jesus, they grow in their relationship with Him, become more like Him and learn to represent Him in their daily lives. Our response is to follow Jesus by depending on the Holy Spirit’s work in us each day.

  • We believe the church is the family of God, made up of all Christians from

    every generation. When people become Christians, they become members of the universal church. The church also exists as local communities for specific places and times. The purpose of the local church is to glorify God by obeying the great command to love God and people and the great commission to proclaim the Gospel and make disciples of Jesus Christ. Our response is to commit ourselves to one another to form a local church community and to work together in love and unity, with each of our gifts to glorify Jesus Christ.

  • We believe that everyone will spend eternity somewhere. Those who have not received the gift of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ will spend eternity separated from God in Hell. Those who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ alone are saved from Hell and will spend eternity with God in heaven on the new earth. Hell is a place of eternal punishment and suffering. Heaven is a place of eternal joy and peace. Our response is to allow the sobering reality of Hell to motivate us to proclaim the Gospel frequently and effectively.


Disciple Steps at Live Oak Church

Click the steps to find out more about each one:

  • Worshiping Together is the practice of gathering with other believers to worship on Sundays. At Live Oak, we pray together, sing together, listen to Scripture together and celebrate communion together. Learn More Here

  • Worshiping Alone is the practice of spending time alone with God. At Live Oak, we teach people to spend time alone with God by practicing spiritual disciplines. There are many different spiritual disciplines, but a few of the most common and helpful ones are reading scripture, prayer, rest, fasting and solitude. Learn More Here

  • Breaking Bread is the practice of meeting regularly with other believers. The original church “devoted themselves to...fellowship, breaking bread and sharing meals together.” (Acts 2:42, 46) At Live Oak we break bread by meeting regularly in community groups, discipleship courses, fun activities, and over meals or coffee. Learn More Here

  • Serving Others is the practice of serving in and through the local church. At Live Oak, we serve others by using our spiritual gifts to strengthen our church community, we serve locally to show the love of Christ to our neighbors in need, and we serve globally to help make disciples of all nations. Learn More Here

  • Giving Generously is the practice of giving financially to the work of the local church. At Live Oak, we teach people to give a percentage of their income to the local church, working towards the goal of giving ten percent. Learn More Here

  • Sharing Jesus is the practice of sharing the Gospel with people who are lost and searching for life. The gospel is the good news of what Jesus Christ has done to restore a broken world and sinful people back to God. It’s the true story of God’s love, humanity’s rebellion, amazing grace and the restoration of all things. Learn More Here

Download our Membership Booklet to share and read on your time:


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